Ways to Give
At Berkeley, as with all independent schools, 捐款对学校的生活和使命至关重要. 通过棋牌游戏平台基金年度捐赠计划筹集的学费以外的资金提供了坚实的财政支持,这是继续我们希望每个棋牌游戏平台学生体验的令人兴奋和创新项目所必需的. 大额捐赠可以在三到五年内承诺, 常见的捐赠类型包括现金捐赠, stock, bonds, and other negotiable securities. 通过这些礼物,我们的学生可以获得的机会是棋牌游戏平台教育如此独特的核心. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 机构进步办公室 at advancement@tjxishuai.net.
Credit Card/Venmo/PayPal/Apple Pay
Make a Pledge
Donor Advised Funds
Wire Transfer
Cryptocurrency Gifts
Corporate Matching Gifts
Memorial and Named Giving
Gifts in Kind
Gift Planning
Real Estate
Gifts of Tangible Personal Property
Life Insurance
Special Gifts
Please Note
棋牌游戏平台的财政年度从7月1日持续到6月30日. Berkeley’s tax I.D. number is 59-1292802.